Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Monday I went to the doctor for my 17 week appointment. He did another ultrasound and he thinks it is a GIRL!!! The ultrasound machine in his office is a little grainy and I am a tad early, so he said we will know for sure at my official ultrasound in two weeks.
Tomorrow I will be 18 weeks. For the past two weeks I feel like I have felt a feeling of "floating" in my uterus. As tho something was floating up or something. No kicking. However today, for perhaps the first time, I was standing in the bathroom and thought I felt the most slight little tapping.
I cannot wait to find out what I am having for sure so I can talk about it openly. I weighed 144 lbs. at the appointment on monday. I have continued to feel headaches nearly every day, but none so bad as the ones in december. I have also been extremely lazy and lethargic most of the day, every day. Even tho I struggle to sleep well at night. Such a pain. SUCH A PAIN.
But when I left the doctors office on Monday after the ultrasound he did I can't deny I broke into tears in my car and thanked Heavenly Father for the incredible blessing of perhaps having a baby girl all my own after all this struggle of a pregnancy. It made it all feel worth it. I also asked my doctor if the spine on the baby looked good and he said yep everything looks good. That poured relief through my whole soul as I am always worried about the babys health or whatever.