Friday, December 17, 2010

The most notable thing that has happened with my pregnancy in the past few weeks is the dramatic migraines I have been having for the past three weeks. They have been completely and utterly awful. I have been taking tons of tylenol but it does nothing at all. I finally called the doctors office and told them what was happening and thankfully they called me in some Lortab. I was very hesitant to take something other than tylenol but I felt so desperate after having been in so much pain for so long. I felt I was willing to do anything to get rid of it. I have felt that I owe it to Conner (and Corey) to get feeling better.
I took one of the Lortabs and threw up about fifteen minutes later. I assume I threw up the pill but amazingly later I felt so much better, some of the pill must have gotten to my brain and helped.
That was on Tuesday and today is Friday. I felt the best I have felt in three weeks yesterday. I felt like I could do anything. I don't know if I was so used to having a constant nagging pain and without it I felt like a million bucks. I however woke up with a headache again this morning and it has progressively gotten worse and is kinda bad this evening. I feel so bad having to take the pill. But on Wednesday I called the doctors office again and asked again about the pain pill and if it was safe. The nurse assured me that Lortab is approved for pregnancy. So I have to just have faith that the baby will be ok. I also had Corey and my dad give me a blessing on the worst pain night.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

December 8 2010

I saw the doctor yesterday for my 14 week appointment. I got another ultrasound which was delightful. Seeing that baby is so wonderful. I can't deny I was still not sure the baby was alive and well, but it was. My boobs are still enormous, they are still sore but I think perhaps a little less sore than a few weeks ago.
My uterus is definitely noticeable when I lay down and feel it. It is about half way to my navel now.
Before I became pregnant I weighed about 130 and as of yesterday at my appointment I weighed 140.
WOW. That is a lot for only 14 weeks?!?
I have been worried about it but I am hoping it will slow down later.
What else? My acne is still really bad. VERY bad. Never have I had trouble like this before.
I asked my doctor yesterday about the concerns I have.
1. heating pad use
2. hot baths
3. diet coke
4. my weight
5. acne
6. sleep struggles
His answers are in red.
He seems like a nice man. I think I will enjoy having him as my doctor.
I hesitate to say what gender I think this baby is. I will not lie I hope it is a girl. Tho I know from experience that either is wonderful.
I remember thinking Conner was a girl, and feeling a little disappointed after the ultrasound revealed he was a boy.
Conner almost exclusively tells us that it is a girl. Corey and my mom think its a girl. I have noticed differences in this pregnancy...the acne didn't happen with Conner, headaches have been daily the past two weeks and I didn't have those with Conner hardly at all. I have had much more weight gain and extreme hunger pains, empty stomach feelings every two hours. I have craved heavy foods like Meals, such as meats and cheeses and sandwiches. I am not one to typically crave sandwiches. I think the first noticable craving I had during this pregnancy was a Jimmy Johns sandwich. I have had them several times so far and usually wolf the whole thing down. They are large.
I have felt very similarly as far as sickness in the stomach goes with this pregnancy and Conner.
The heart rate on this baby is VERY fast. The doctor said that might indicate a girl but who knows.
As you can see I am wishing for a girl, but I know i will be delighted with any healthy wonderful child. I know that because of the sheer goodness and joy that has come from having Conner. The love I have for that NUT is overwhelming. I have love for him that surpasses any emotion I have ever felt. Even tho sometimes he drives me CRAZY!!! :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

5 weeks

I cannot believe the time has finally come. I am pregnant for the 2nd time. This time is very similar to my pregnancy with Conner and VERY different in some ways.
I don't remember EVER feeling dizzy when pregnant with Conner, but for some reason I am intesely dizzy this time. As of today I am 5 weeks pregnant. I missed my period last Friday, and because pregnancy is usually measured by the first day of your last period I am 5 weeks. I have this intense dizzyness, sore nipples, fatigue, high appetite, and the very first week I noticed a very dramatic urge to pee all the time. I haven't had much nausea, possibly a few waves of it, but not much.
I had a very small amount of spotting last Saturday while we were watching Conference at Midway. I didn't necessarily panic because the same thing happened with Conner. Implantation bleeding. It has not happened again so I suppose it was just implantation. I did however need to go get another blood test and a shot called Rhogam because I have A negative blood and Corey is positive so if my baby is positive blood then my body could attack the baby as a foreign object.
The rohgam shot protects this from happening.
Again I had to go thru all this with Conner too.
I must admit I am very uneasy about the pregnancy. I keep thinking I should be feeling more one way or the other...assuming I won't have a healthy pregnancy. I constantly check to see if I am bleeding. I'm so annoying. But seriously its difficult not to get paranoid when Melissa just had a terrible still birth, Sarah just had TWO miscarriages one right after the other at about 15 weeks. But at the same time I know I was paranoid about miscarrying with Conner and he was/is perfect.
Corey is delighted...he is so excited. The baby will be born in June, what a great time to have a baby! We haven't told many people yet. We told my parents, Corey's parents, Chris, Ash, Chris and Brittni Cotton, and that is about it.
I would like to wait to tell anyone else till after we see the doctor. Which is scheduled for November 10th. The doctor who delivered Conner, Dr. Larkin, retired this year. So I am scheduled to see Dr. Barton from the same practice.
There are a lot of things that are hard about being pregnant. But I am really hoping this works out. It is difficult not to be skeptical at the beginning when so many things can go wrong and there is no kicking, showing, and we haven't seen a doctor. But I am trying to have faith.